Below is information for: 

Fire Department   Law Enforcement



Fire Department

The Luverne Fire Department is a volunteer organization consisting of approximately 40 volunteers. The equipment system consists of one ladder truck, two tanker trucks, one rescue squad, two city engines, one rural engine, and one grass rig. Also, the fire department has one trailer, one quick response vehicle, one air supply truck, one side-by-side, a 12-foot aluminum boat, and a new 14-foot inflatable boat.  

The Fire Hall was expanded in 2007. The building was 40 years old and more room was needed. Parking was added for 8 more trucks, so all the equipment no longer had to be kept in different places throughout the city due to lack of space. 

Are you interested in joining the Luverne Fire Department? Apply online at

449-5039 (Non-emergency number)

213 E Lincoln St
Luverne, MN 56156
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In case of fire, call 911.
Bell and flags outside of Fire Department Building
Fire Department Flags & Bell
Fire station garages
Fire Station
Statue of fireman
Fireman Statue

 Fire Chief - David VanBatavia
1st Assistant Chief - Austin Kurtz
2nd Assistant Chief - Jordan Siebenahler



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Law Enforcement

The City of Luverne contracts with Rock County for law enforcement services.

In 2006-2007, Rock County built a new Law Enforcement Center, due to the need of a bigger and more updated facility. The 911 emergency systems have been in operation in Rock County since 1986, but were later enhanced in June of 1989. Also, in 2005 new maps were made. This new system has been extremely effective in supporting response time to emergency calls. In an emergency, dialing "911" will automatically route your call to the Police and Fire Dispatch Center that serves the area from which you are calling. The telephone number and address of the location from which you are calling is automatically displayed on a screen in the Dispatch Center. This helps the dispatcher provide a quicker response to your call.


Law enforcement building front
Law Enforcement Building

The 911 emergency systems can include more than the actual rescue. It is possible to create a file on yourself and/or your family for use during an emergency. Included in this file are: number of occupants in the home, number and location of bedrooms, who to contact in case of emergency, and existing medical problems. The file may include anything that you think may be helpful in a time of emergency. It is strongly suggested that new residents make a file for themselves or their families. 


The 911 emergency systems are for emergency use only!

 In non-life threatening situations, please contact the Rock County Sheriff's Office at:

(507) 283-5000

1000 N Blue Mound Ave

Luverne, MN 56156


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